
Podcast: Ontario's Road Minimum Maintenance Standards

Ontario's MMS regulations are very serious business. We've broken it down into an easy to listen to Podcast, helping keep roads safe one kilometer at a time!



Maintaining roads in Ontario, Canada: A massive municipal liability

Take a few minutes to listen to this podcast to have it explained to you in a simple, actionable and very clear way by our experts:


If you want to read the entire legal document this podcast refers to, you can access it here: Ontario Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS).

A Holistic Approach to MMS Compliance

Fortunately, a new era of digital tools is transforming how municipalities plan, execute, and document their winter operations. Enter Citycare, the all-in-one platform designed to simplify and optimize every aspect of roads and sidewalks maintenance.

What sets Citycare apart is its fully integrated MMS Compliance ecosystem. From Route Planning (for plowing, salting, and snow transportation) to Turn-by-Turn Navigation and Real-Time Status & Reporting, Citycare addresses key pain points that have historically bogged down operations.

Municipal managers, foremen and mobile ressources can finally create and adjust routes on the fly, allowing operators to receive precise directions, and every action is logged automatically to help prove compliance with MMS.

The result? Greater transparency, streamlined coordination, and significant time savings at all levels of municipal operations.

Key Features:

  1. Dynamic Route Planning: Generate optimized pathways for diverse needs—whether it’s a major arterial road or a downtown sidewalk.

  2. Live Navigation & Completion Tracking: Each driver gets step-by-step guidance, while managers monitor real-time progress and react to changing conditions.

  3. Automated MMS Documentation: Built-in logging captures time, location, and activities, creating a bulletproof audit trail.

  4. Weather Observations & Collaboration: Gather forecast data and staff feedback in a centralized newsfeed, ensuring teams respond quickly to ice formations or sudden snowfalls.

Discover More in Our White Paper & Podcast

Want the full story on how Citycare helps municipalities meet—and exceed—MMS requirements?

Download our new White Paper for a deep dive into the technical details, case studies, and best practices for winter maintenance operations.

Or tune into our audio podcast—perfect for a morning commute—where we walk through real-world examples of Citycare in action, featuring insights from municipal managers across Ontario.

Secure Your Roads & Sidewalks This Season

With winter storms growing more unpredictable and staffing challenges on the rise, relying on outdated manual processes is no longer viable. Citycare offers a robust, intuitive solution that gives operations managers peace of mind, knowing they have the right data, tools, and workflows to keep their community safe and thoroughly compliant.

Ready to Transform Your Road Maintenance Operations?
Explore our resources, and don’t forget to check out the Ontario Minimum Maintenance Standards for more on the legal framework shaping your municipality’s road maintenance responsibilities.

Whether you’re a seasoned public works director or new to the field, Citycare promises to make winter road maintenance far less stressful—and far more effective.

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