
Public Works: Lowering Stress with Smartphones

Improve working conditions, job satisfaction and boost productivity by implementing and encouraging smartphone-at-work programs for your mobile crews.



Public works is often marked by emergencies, last-minute changes, and unclear communications.

These factors can increase stress and reduce the effectiveness of field teams.

The use of a professional or personally owned mobile phone, subsidized by the municipality, simplifies daily operations, reduces pressure, and enhances employee satisfaction.

Avec un accès instantané aux informations et une meilleure coordination, les cols bleus peuvent se concentrer sur leur travail sans les tracas des transmissions manuelles ou des instructions floues.

With instant access to information and better coordination, public works crews can focus on their tasks without the hassle of manual transmissions or vague instructions.

Less Uncertainty and Fewer Returns

One of the biggest stress factors for municipal blue-collar workers is the lack of clarity in work orders. When an employee arrives at a site without all the necessary information, they must:

  • Call their supervisor or return to the office to get details.
  • Wait for a colleague to send them work details.
  • Interrupt their task due to a lack of materials or instructions.

With a phone and Citycare:

  • All information is instantly accessible, avoiding time loss.
  • Work orders are detailed with photos, documents, and clear instructions.
  • Teams can report any unforeseen issues and get a quick response without needing to travel.

The result: better-organized work, less frustration, and smoother interventions.

Direct Communication to Avoid Misunderstandings

Information transfers between departments can lead to errors and create tensions between colleagues or with management. Without digital tools, instructions are often given:

  • By phone with the risk of forgetting or misunderstanding.
  • In writing on paper or bulletin boards, requiring employees to check them before heading to the field.
  • Verbally, with the risk of contradictory instructions depending on the person giving them.

With a phone and Citycare:

  • Work orders are centralized and updated in real-time, eliminating transmission errors.
  • Communications are logged and accessible, avoiding any confusion about responsibilities.
  • Employees can directly communicate with their manager through the mobile app.

The result: smoother communication, less frustration, and better collaboration.

More Autonomy, Less Dependence

Municipal blue-collar workers appreciate a work environment that allows them to be autonomous and efficient. However, when they have to go back to the office frequently to retrieve or validate information, it slows their work and creates unnecessary pressure.

  • Employees receive their tasks directly on their mobile devices, without needing to go through the office.
  • They can close their interventions in real-time, reducing unnecessary back-and-forth.
  • They immediately report any problems or additional needs, enabling better manager responsiveness.

The result: fewer unnecessary trips, increased trust, and better job satisfaction.

Better Time Management, Less Wasted Time

Municipal blue-collar workers often work under pressure to meet tight deadlines. The lack of schedule and route optimization can unnecessarily extend their workdays, leading to excessive fatigue and stress.

  • Routes are optimized based on tasks and employee locations.
  • Tasks are assigned in real-time according to each person’s workload.
  • Employees have clear visibility of their schedules, allowing them to better organize their day.

The result: better workload distribution, less stress, and better work-life balance.

Financial Compensation That Rewards Phone Use

The idea of using a phone for work may raise concerns among some employees, particularly regarding the costs associated with using their personal device.

  • Provide a work phone to employees for professional use.
  • Offer a monthly financial compensation, automatically managed through Citycare via Interac transfer, for personal phone use.
  • A stipend that fully or partially covers their mobile plan.
  • Concrete recognition of their involvement in modernizing services.
  • Flexibility that allows them to use a device they are familiar with.

The result: easier adoption of digital tools and a financial advantage for employees.

A Happier, More Efficient Team

Using mobile phones for work is not a burden but a real lever for well-being and efficiency for municipal public works teams. By enabling them to quickly access information, improve their organization, and reduce frustrations related to communication errors, Citycare transforms their daily lives and reduces stress.

And with automatic financial compensation, everyone wins: employees, unions, and municipalities.

Want to learn more about how Citycare improves municipal employee satisfaction?

Contact us for a demo today!

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